
Did you know 71% of Americans have travelled abroad at one point in their lives but less than 15% have travelled to five or more and only 11% have been to 10 or more countries (PEW). Our mission is to show our local Orange County community and fellow Americans that traveling the world is a lot less hostel than they believe and with the right planning and partnership travel can be a tremendous, life changing experience.

I remember about 8 years ago, we were sitting on a cruise talking to  a couple who would go on to change our lives about traveling via land to Malaysia. Our first question, like many Americans I know was "is it safe"? Which immediately elicited a roaring laughter from our new friends who lived there at the time. Well, almost a decade later and visiting nearly eighty countries and six continents, I guess you could say we've been bitten by the travel bug.

After spending the last twelve years helping establish, manage daily operations and ultimately transition ownership of a large medical practice in Southern California, I couldn't imagine a better career path to find myself on. Travel has always been a passion of mine, one that kept my up at night eagerly exploring the best deals and imagining where a ticket could take me. Now, I am bringing that knowledge, passion and field level travel expertise to you as a travel professional. If you want to explore what amazing journeys await, the deals that can be found all while having a boutique travel agency standing with you, check us out! You wont be disappointed.

Go ahead and poke around, find what you need and then contact us, we would love to be your Travel Agency.